JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - Lt. Governor Mike Kehoe today announced additional endorsements and support of leading Missouri Republicans, including current and former elected officials, party grassroots and community leaders from every corner of Missouri, all united behind Kehoe's candidacy. Kehoe has served as Missouri’s 48th Lt. Governor since June 2018, after serving two terms in the State Senate where he was elected in 2010 and 2014.
“I am honored to have the tremendous support of so many important community leaders and conservatives throughout Missouri," Lt. Governor Kehoe said. “We know our party is stronger when we are united, and together I know we are committed to providing common-sense conservative leadership for all Missourians so our next generation can achieve the American Dream like I was able to.”
St. Charles County
County Executive Steve Ehlmann
Former State Senator Tom Dempsey and Molly Dempsey
Ernie Dempsey
Penny Henke, Vice-Chair, St. Charles County Central Committee
Boone County
Billy Sapp
Buchanan County
Former State Senator Charlie Shields
Greene County
Loren Cook
Jackson County
Warren Erdman
Lewis County
Former State Senator Brian Munzlinger
Newton County
Nick Myers
St. Louis County
Kurt and Celeste Witzel
Stoddard County
Charlie Kruse